Seven Stories by Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach
Professor Helga H. Harriman
Not Available
The Art of Revolution
Albert E. Gurganus
Thomas Carlyle's Life of Friedrich Schiller
Thomas Carlyle
Winder McConnell
Nature's Hidden Terror
Robert H. Brown
Concise History of German Literature to 1900
Kim Vivian
The Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus
Hans Jacob Chirstoff Grimmelshausen
Andreas Gryphius
Blake Lee Spahr
The Guises of Modesty
Ferrel V. Rose
Michigan German in Frankenmuth
Renate Born
Kafka's Castle and the Critical Imagination
Stephen D. Dowden
Grimmelshausen the Storyteller
Alan Menhennet
Ambivalence Transcended
Gertrud Bauer Pickar
Constructing China
Rolf J. Goebel
History, Myth, and Music
Susan von Rohr Scaff
Comparative Romanticisms
Larry H. Peer and 1 more
Queering the Canon
Christoph Lorey and 1 more
The Trumpet of Reform
Sigrid Bauschinger
Ghetto Writing
Anne Fuchs and 1 more
Thomas Mann's Joseph and His Brothers
William E. McDonald
Stated Memory
Thomas C. Fox
Thomas Bernhards Trilogie der Künste
Gregor (Author) Hens
Zarathustra's Children
Raymond Furness
Adalbert Stifter's Late Prose
Helena Ragg-Kirkby
Space and Time in Epic Theater
Sarah Bryant-Bertail
Heinrich von Kleist und die Aufklärung
Anthony Stephens and 2 more
Commodities of Desire
Alan (Contributor) Lareau and 2 more
Family Secrets and the Contemporary German Novel
Elizabeth Snyder Hook
Goethe in German-Jewish Culture
Klaus L. Berghahn and 2 more
The Stories of Heinrich Von Kleist
Seán Allan
Goethe and the English-Speaking World
Nicholas Boyle and 1 more
A Companion to Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain
Heinrich Mann's Novels and Essays
Karin Verena Gunnemann
The Image and Influence of America in German Poetry Since 1945
Gregory Divers
The Emergence of the Modern German Novel
Claire (Customer) Baldwin
Italy in the German Literary Imagination
Gretchen L. Hachmeister
The Beginnings of German Literature
Cyril Edwards
Cultural History Through a National Socialist Lens
Robert C. Reimer
Fritz Lang's Metropolis
M. R. Minden and 1 more
German Literature, Jewish Critics
Stephen D. Dowden and 1 more
Recasting German Identity
Stuart Taberner and 1 more
The Historical Experience in German Drama
Literature in Vienna at the Turn of the Centuries
Ernst Grabovszki and 1 more
A Study of the Major Novellas of E.T.A. Hoffmann
Birgit Röder
Women Peasant Poets in Eighteenth-Century England, Scotland, and Germany
Susanne Kord
Hermann Broch, Visionary in Exile
Paul Michael Lützeler
A Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler
Politics and Culture in Twentieth-Century Germany
William John Niven and 1 more
The Life and Works of Wolfgang Borchert
Gordon Burgess
An Introduction to the Works of Peter Weiss
Olaf Berwald
Modern German Political Drama, 1980-2000
Birgit Haas
Nietzsche and Antiquity
Alan Cardew and 2 more
Elias Canetti's Counter-Image of Society
Jóhann Páll Árnason and 1 more
Music and Literature in German Romanticism
Andrea Huebener and 1 more
Trial by Fire and Battle in Medieval German Literature
Vickie L. Ziegler
Freud's Theory and Its Use in Literary and Cultural Studies
Henk de Berg
A Companion to the Works of Rainer Maria Rilke
Erika A. Metzger and 1 more
Representation, Subversion, and Eugenics in Günter Grass's The Tin Drum
Peter O. Arnds
Early Germanic Literature and Culture
Brian Murdoch and 1 more
Storytelling in the Works of Bunyan, Grimmelshausen, Defoe, and Schnabel
Janet Bertsch
Love and Death in Goethe
Ellis Dye
German Literature of the 1990S and Beyond
Stuart Taberner
Nolten the Painter
Eduard Mörike
Schiller's "On Grace and Dignity" in Its Cultural Context
Christophe Fricker and 1 more
German Culture in Nineteenth-Century America
Lynne Tatlock and 1 more
Willkommen Und Abschied
Dorothea Kaufmann and 1 more
Nazi Cinema as Enchantment
Mary-Elizabeth O'Brien
A Companion to Goethe's Faust, Parts I and II
Paul Bishop
Goethe's Concept of the Daemonic
Angus Nicholls
A Companion to the Works of Franz Kafka
James Rolleston
Ludwig Börne
Heinrich Heine and 1 more
The Hotel as Setting in Early Twentieth-Century German and Austrian Literature
Bettina Matthias
The First World War as a Clash of Cultures
Frederick George Thomas Bridgham
Stephen Brockmann
Second-Generation Holocaust Literature
Professor Erin (Series Editor) McGlothlin
E.T.A. Hoffmann and the Serapiontic Principle
H. M. Brown
Paul Klee, Poet/painter
Kathryn Porter Aichele
Aesthetic Vision and German Romanticism
Brad Prager
Goethe's Faust and European Epic
Arnd Bohm
Overturning Dr. Faustus
Frances Lee
The Rediscovered Writings of Veza Canetti
Julian Preece
Humor and Irony in Nineteenth-Century German Women's Writing
Helen Chambers
Suddenly Everything Was Different
Olaf G. Klein and 1 more
Shifting Perspectives
Dennis Tate
Reading Goethe
Martin Swales and 1 more
Reading W. G. Sebald
Deane Blackler
Richard Wagner's Zurich
Chris Walton
Protest Song in East and West Germany Since the 1960S
David Robb
When Heimat Meets Hollywood
Christine Haase
Women and Writing in the Works of Novalis
James R. Hodkinson
The Technological Unconscious in German Modernist Literature
Larson Powell
The Duino Elegies
Rainer Maria Rilke
Their Pavel
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach and 1 more
The Wanderer in Nineteenth-Century German Literature
Andrew Cusack
Hölderlin after the Catastrophe
Robert Savage
Joseph Roth's March Into History
Katharine Tonkin
The Revivifying Word
Clayton Koelb
Women and Death
Anna Linton and 1 more
Young Rilke and His Time
George C. Schoolfield
Germans as Victims in the Literary Fiction of the Berlin Republic
A Companion to the Works of Johann Gottfried Herder
Hans Adler and 1 more
Enlightenment Thought in the Writings of Goethe
Paul E. Kerry
Schiller the Dramatist
John Guthrie
Women and Death 2
Sarah Colvin and 1 more
A Companion to the Works of Walter Benjamin
Adrian (Contributor) Daub and 2 more
Interwar Vienna
Alys George and 1 more
Perspectives on Gender in Post-1945 German Literature
Georgina Paul
Ulrike Meinhof and West German Terrorism
Sarah Colvin
Literature and Censorship in Restoration Germany
Katy Heady
From a Good Family
Gabriele Reuter and 1 more
Encounters With Islam in German Literature and Culture
James R. Hodkinson and 1 more
Women in the Works of Lou Andreas-Salomé
Muriel Cormican
German Memory Contests
Andrew Plowman
A Companion to the Works of Heinrich von Kleist
A Companion to Wagner's Parsifal
William Kinderman and 1 more
A Companion to the Nibelungenlied
A Companion to the Literature of German Expressionism
Neil H. Donahue
A Companion to the Works of Stefan George
Jens Rieckmann
A Companion to the Works of Robert Musil
Philip Payne and 2 more
Bertolt Brecht's Furcht Und Elend Des Dritten Reiches
John J. White and 1 more
Publishing Culture and the "Reading Nation"
Lynne Tatlock
What Will Become of the Children?
Claire Bergmann
Mapping Morality in Postwar German Women's Fiction
Michelle Mattson
German Novelists of the Weimar Republic
Karl Leydecker
Bertolt Brecht's Dramatic Theory
John J. White
In the Shadow of Empire
Malcolm Spencer
Traumatic Verses
Andrés José Nader
German and European Poetics After the Holocaust
Gert Hofmann
Who Is This Schiller Now?
Jeffrey L. High and 2 more
Women in Weimar Fashion
Mila Ganeva
A Poet's Reich
M. S. Lane and 1 more
Metamorphoses of the Vampire in Literature and Film
Erik Butler
Heights of Reflection
Professor Albrecht (Customer) Classen and 1 more
Popular Revenants
Andrew Cusack and 1 more
Luise Gottsched the Translator
Hilary Brown
Rainer Maria Rilke's The Book of Hours
Rainer Maria Rilke and 2 more
A Companion to Friedrich Nietzsche
Adrian (Contributor) Del Caro and 2 more
Modern German Thought from Kant to Habermas
Henk de Berg and 1 more
Monika Shafi
Religion in Contemporary German Drama
Sinéad Crowe
The Undiscover'd Country
Markus Zisselsberger
Good Girls, Good Germans
Jennifer Drake Askey
The Stechlin
Theodor Fontane
Reading Mahler
Carl Niekerk
Reworking the German Past
Susan G. Figge and 1 more
Emerging German-Language Novelists of the Twenty-First Century
Lyn Marven and 1 more
Writers and Politics in Germany, 1945-2008
K. Stuart Parkes
A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse
Ingo Cornils
Translingual Identities
Tamar Steinitz
Johann Joachim Winckelmann on Art, Architecture, and Archaeology
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Religion, Reason, and Culture in the Age of Goethe
Elisabeth Krimmer and 1 more
Goethe's Ghosts
Simon Richter and 1 more
The Differentiation of Modernism
Deploying Orientalism in European Culture and History
James R. Hodkinson and 3 more
Post-Wall German Cinema and National History
Distant Readings
Matt Erlin and 1 more
Heimat, Space, Narrative
Friederike Ursula Eigler
Sophie Discovers Amerika
Robert B. McFarland and 1 more
Goethe and the Poets of Arabia
Katharina Mommsen
Literary Exiles from Nazi Germany
Johannes F. Evelein
Detectives, Dystopias, and Poplit
Bruce Campbell and 2 more
Orienting the Self
Debra N. Prager
High Modernism
Joshua Kavaloski
Tragedy and the Tragic in German Literature, Art, and Thought
Stephen D. (Translator) Dowden
My Shadow in Dachau
Dorothea Heiser and 1 more
Kafka for the Twenty-First Century
Stanley Corngold and 1 more
Into the Groove
Andrew Wright Hurley
Stefan Zweig and World Literature
Birger Vanwesenbeeck and 1 more
Speculations on German History
Barry Emslie
German Women's Writing in the Twenty-First Century
Hester Baer and 1 more
Classical Music in the German Democratic Republic
Kyle Frackman and 1 more
Nonconformist Writing in Nazi Germany
John Klapper
Transnationalism in Contemporary German-Language Literature
German Studies Association
Red Vienna, White Socialism, and the Blues
Robert B. McFarland
Catastrophe and Catharsis
Katharina Gerstenberger and 1 more
The Writers' State
"Mountain of Destiny"
Harald Höbusch
Writing the Revolution
Arno Schmidt's Zettel's Traum
Volker Max Langbehn
The Medieval German Lohengrin
Alastair Matthews
Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc
Valentina Glajar and 2 more
Music Into Fiction
Theodore Ziolkowski
"The Space of Words"
Jennifer Miller Hoyer
Sean Moore Ireton and 1 more
The Blue Stain
Hugo Bettauer
Birger Vanwesenbeeck and 8 more
Approaches to Kurban Said's Ali and Nino
Carl Niekerk and 1 more
Heiner Müller's Democratic Theater
Michael Wood
The Long Shadow of the Past
Katya Krylova
Suicide in East German Literature
Robert Blankenship
The Anxiety of Autonomy and the Aesthetics of German Orientalism
Nicholas A. Germana
Virtual Walls?
Franziska Lys and 1 more
Mystical Islam and Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary German Literature
Joseph Twist
The Communicative Event in the Works of Günter Grass
Dr. Nicole (Customer) Nicole Thesz
Writing to Change the World
Marike Janzen
Tatort Germany
Lynn M. Kutch and 1 more
Günter Grass and His Critics
Siegfried Mews
Brecht, Turkish Theater, and Turkish-German Literature
Ela E. Gezen
Business Rhetoric in German Novels
Ernest Schonfield
Hanns Eisler's Art Songs
Heidi Hart
Hugo Bettauer and 1 more
New Poems
Transatlantic German Studies
Paul Michael Lützeler and 1 more
And the Shark, He Has Teeth
Ernst Josef Aufricht
Bernhard Heisig and the Fight for Modern Art in East Germany
April A. Eisman
Ludwig Leichhardt's Ghosts
Herder's Essay on Being
Alexander J. B. Hampton and 2 more
Dimensions of Storytelling in German Literature and Beyond
Kristy R. Boney and 1 more
Kafka After Kafka
Kafka after Kafka (Conference)
Inscription and Rebellion
Sonja E. Klocke
Selected Works
Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz
Anxious Journeys
Karin Baumgartner and 1 more
A Companion to the Works of Hermann Broch
Graham Bartram and 2 more
Fontane in the Twenty-First Century
John B. Lyon and 1 more
The Faust Tales of Christoph Rosshirt
Christoph Rosshirt and 1 more
The End-Times in Medieval German Literature
Ernst Ralf Hintz and 1 more
Transformation and Education in the Literature of the GDR
Jean E. Conacher
The Gentle Apocalypse
Richard Millington
Robert Musil and the Question of Science
Tim Mehigan
A Critical History of German Film
The Shepherd, the Volk, and the Middle Class
Elystan Griffiths
Roman Poets in Modern Guise
German in the World
Mountains and the German Mind
T.J. Reed
Beyond Tomorrow
The Red Vienna Sourcebook
Robert B. McFarland and 2 more
In Stock
£45.00 £50.00
The Short Story in German in the Twenty-First Century
Lyn Marven and 2 more
Johannes Scherr
Politics and Truth in Hölderlin
Anthony Curtis Adler
Contested Selves
Katja Herges and 1 more
The Fortunes of Everyman in Twentieth-Century German Drama
Brian Murdoch
Heinrich Von Kleist
Hermann Broch and Mass Hysteria
Brett E. Sterling
German Literature as a Transnational Field of Production, 1848-1919
Three Political Tales from Medieval Germany
Max Stirner and Nihilism
Timothy Dowdall
Intimate Relations
Christine Weder
Habituation in German Modernism
Meindert Peters
Violence Elsewhere 1
Dr Clare Bielby and 8 more
Hermann Hesse's Global Impact
Ingo Cornils and 1 more
Inventing the German Nation in Travel Literature, 1738-1839
Karin Baumgartner
The Critical Writings of Ingeborg Bachmann
Ingeborg Bachmann
The World as Metaphor in Robert Musil's The Man Without Qualities
Genese Grill
The Wounded Self
Nina Schmidt
Songs for a Revolution
Eckhard John and 1 more
The Myth of Abstraction
Andrea Meyertholen
Inspiration Bonaparte?
Seán Allan and 1 more
Disability in German-Speaking Europe
Linda Leskau and 2 more
Wilhelm Von Humboldt and Transcultural Communication in a Multicultural World
John Walker
Arthur Rundt
Nietzsche's Early Literary Writings and The Birth of Tragedy
Steven D. Martinson and 1 more
Duino Elegies
Germany's Other Modernism
Meike Werner
The Freest Country in the World
A Companion to Sound in German-Speaking Cultures
Clare Bielby and 1 more
Border Poetics in German and Polish Literature
Karolina May-Chu
Rewriting Identities in Contemporary Germany
Selma Rezgui and 2 more
Violence Elsewhere 2
The Afterlives of Weimar Berlin
Jill Suzanne Smith
A Companion to the Works of Adalbert Stifter
Sean Moore Ireton
Thinking Through German Literature With Andrew Jaszi
Kenneth M. Ralston
Ecology and German Realism
Alexander Robert Phillips
German Graphic Narratives and Trauma
Wagner's Ring in 1848
Richard Wagner